Here you will find some of the branding services that I have designed. Among the gills of design, branding is the category that most excites me, so I hope to have the opportunity to work more in this area.If you need a branding or rebranding service, please contact me!
Officina della ViteRepresentative: Wabisabi Studio
Year: 2022

Officina della Vite is a trial project created specifically for a job interview.
The request was to do a branding job on an existing reality: a farm with beds, producer of wine, cheese and meats.
The output was, among the proposals, the creation of a brand that communicated the rural experience of the reference reality.

Lobsta Restaurant
    Year: 2022
Brand brief is a page that deals with creating weekly design briefs. 
In this case the brief was aimed at creating a branding for a restaurant called Lobsta.

The restaurant is specialized in lobster cooking and mostly offered sandwiches. The brand created wants to communicate a certain freshness, but wants to be clear and descriptive towards the nature of the restaurant and therefore the offer to the customer.

Gallerie dell’Accademia
  • Thesis project!!
  • Thesis supervisor: Schianchi P.
  • Year: 2022
Through this Master’s Thesis, it’s proposed to rethink Western museum communication, in particular that of the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice, contaminating it with visual elements of completely different origin, that is, oriental.
The paper in question deals with an analysis of the Japanese imagination Kawaii, as a different vision and distant from the western mainstream.
The Master’s Thesis concludes with a demonstrative metaproject able to unite and contaminate these two distant and aesthetically different cultures, so as to benefit from them and mutual knowledge.

The work develops through a linear historical approach, in order to acquire the main knowledge of the language and visual rules of the cute world, typical of Kawaii, and then propose its application to the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice. 
You can read the full thesis here!

    Client: Pharmagreen
    Year: 2022
Pharmagreen is a brand of Padua that changes its nature: from a parapharmacy begins to be herbal medicine.
As a result, it was decided to change the coordinated image of the brand, creating a more pleasant, lightweight and friendly visual graphic identity.

From today Pharmagreen focuses on integration products and cosmetics less pharmacological and more biological natural: the new brand identity communicates this great change.